In typical fairy fashion the TOT Fairy has been messing with my stitches....three or four times I had to frog the right side of her skirt....It didn't matter how much time she spent in the cupboard, she just did not learn! I think the cooler weather eventually had her thinking that the cupboard was not the nicest place to be, especially when your only company is dust bunnies....I've made a decent amount of progress over the last couple of weekends and am loving stitching her...and like Shelleen, I can't wait for the weekend!
Everyone is doing a fabulous job on their stitching....Seeing it all has me flicking through my Halloween patterns....
She's pulling her Halloween trickery on you.
I love the owl!
Ooooh, two Trick or Treat Fairies! How delightful!! You and Shelleen can inspire one another to keep stitching, too!
Only you can know where your fairie decided to play tricks on you! To the rest of us, the whole project is lovely! VERY well done!
Thanks so much for sharing her with us!
Yours is moving right along.
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